
More customer loyalty as a result of customer experience management

Visana Customer Experience Management

  • Visana wants to use customer insights to optimise the customer experience of non-business customers 

  • Zühlke visits Visana customers, records the customer experience and reflects pain and pleasure points in a targeted way 

  • Visana improves its service quality and increases customer loyalty 

Visana wants to improve the customer experience at the most important touch points. Zühlke brings in the Voice of the Customer and demonstrates areas with potential.

Even closer to the customer

Further improving the loyalty of existing clients is an important cornerstone of Visana’s strategy. The health insurer wants to use customer insights to optimise the customer experience of non-business customers. Zühlke is given the assignment of identifying the contact points of relevance for customers and discovering moments of truth with customers in order to demonstrate the improvement potential for individual interactions. 

Hedwig Gerards Visana
' Zühlke showed us which moments are crucial from the customer’s point of view – and how we can make a difference in those moments. '
Hedwig Gerards
Head of Marketing

Voice of the Customer as the best advisor

Based on an assessment of the existing customer experience, the project team identifies the customer journeys with the greatest potential for Visana. The Zühlke team visits Visana customers, records the customer experience and reflects pain and pleasure points in a targeted way. 

Change of perspective brings clarity

Visana looks at things from the customer’s point of view and thereby gains valuable customer insights. Relevant pain and pleasure points are recognised and several areas of potential for improving the customer experience are identified. As a result of the implementation of the recommended measures, the health insurer improves its service quality and increases customer loyalty.