Medical Device and Healthcare

Secure medication transport for WHO/Unicef

  • Abuse in the global trade in pharmaceuticals is very high  

  • Zühlke develops a safety concept with low manufacturing costs and energy consumption  

  • WHO and Unicef qualified the product for global use for drug transport

Q-tag® CLm doc temperature monitor is easy to use, meets high security requirements, consumes little power and offers flexible functionality at low production costs.


The Q-tag® CLm doc is a disposable temperature monitor for the shipment of temperature sensitive vaccines and medications. A key requirement is the integrity of the data collected. The criminal energy in the global drugs trade is immense. For this reason, it is essential to prevent or, at the very least, reveal even the most bizarre seeming manipulations. The large unit numbers involved and the extensive storage times before usage make low production costs and high energy efficiency essential. 


Alarm limits are programmable according to customer specifications. Temperature and time information of all events can be displayed on the LCD screen. With this combination of measures Zühlke achieved the necessary security: WHO and UNICEF have endorsed the product for the global transport of pharmaceuticals.