Medical Device and Healthcare

Greater market efficiency thanks to agile transformation

  • Eppendorf wants to make profound improvements over the five-year time horizon   

  • Agile development is one of the success factors to further increase the market effectiveness of the company 

  • By embedding agile development in an overarching strategic agenda, Eppendorf can initiate a mindset change among employees 

Eppendorf, a leading global company in the life sciences industry, wants to increase its innovation power and secure high, profitable growth. Zühlke is helping to increase the market efficiency by means of agile development.

The market leader’s vision

Eppendorf, a leading global manufacturer of laboratory devices and pipetting systems, wants to improve its innovation capabilities. The Group’s rapid geographic expansion and growing sales pose a host of strategic and organisational challenges in the area of product innovation. The company wants to make considerable improvements over the next five years. Agile development is one of the success factors that plays a vital role in further increasing the company’s market efficiency. Zühlke wants to help implement the necessary changes regarding mindset, performance and processes within the company. 

Scalable agility

Extending agile development methods for software to systems, Zühlke coaches individual development teams on selected pilot projects and supports the management with organisational issues at the same time. This cooperative planning work involving whole teams quickly leads to renewed energy. The findings from the project are used to define a process structure that will be further developed. The next step is to enable in-house coaches to make comprehensive changes to all business units. This means that agility can be scaled in the medium term, despite the geographical distribution of the Group. 

Dr. Wilhelm Pluester
' I’m impressed and thrilled with Zühlke’s excellent implementation. The added value for our customers and the focus on the most important product features were clear from the beginning. The first development projects have been successfully implemented and the resulting enormous employee motivation is noticeable. '
Dr. Wilhelm Pluester
CTO, Member of the Management Board

Agile transformation gets results

Customer needs must be directly and iteratively incorporated into the development process, as this allows the product portfolio to continue to be successful on the market. By integrating agile development into an overarching strategic agenda, Eppendorf can change the mindset of its employees. Organisational units grow closer together, employee satisfaction increases, product development becomes more innovative, and the path is clear for sustainable and profitable growth.